Beading Laces & Embroideries
English Laces
English Netting Lace
French laces
Ivory/Champagne/Ecru Laces
Maline Laces
Swiss Embroideries and Entredeaux
Tatting and Cluney Laces
Swiss Embroidered Insertion .5 inches Wide White 709534-02A
French Lace Insertion 7/8 Inch Wide Ivory L-18-11
French Lace Edging 1.5 Inches Wide Ivory L-20-11
French Lace Edging 7/8 Inch Wide Ivory L-19-11
French Lace Edging 7/8 inch Wide White L-19-5
French Lace Edging 1.5 inch Wide White L-20-5
French Lace Edging 1 Inch Wide White L-155-6
French Maline Lace Insertion 5/8 Inch White L-537-9
French Maline Lace Edging 5/8 Inches Wide L-532-9
French Maline Lace Edging 1 inch White L-533-9
French Maline Lace Edging 2 Inches White 200375-09
French Lace Beading 5/8 Inch Ecru 6218-04
English Netting Lace Edging 3.5 Inches Soft White NM1066-B
English Netting Lace Edging 1 7/8 Inches Ivory NM1065-B
English Netting Lace Edging 2 1/8 Inches Soft White NM3894-B
English Netting Lace Edging 1.25 Inch White NM110-B
English Netting Lace Edging 2.5 Inches Soft White NM914-B
English Netting Lace Edging 1.5 Inches Soft White 123-B
English Netting Lace Edging 2.5 Inches Soft White NM1118-B
English Netting Lace Edging 2.25 Inches Soft White 2146-B
English Netting Lace Edging 2.25 Inches Soft White NM919-B
Tatted Lace Edging .5 Inch White 097W-13
Tatted Lace Edging .5 Inch White 008W-13
English Netting Lace Insertion 2.25 Soft White NM4259-C
English Netting Lace Galloon 1.25 Inches Soft White 333-C
English Netting Lace Insertion 1Inch Pink Flowers Green Leaves 683953-C
English Netting Lace Galloon 2.25 Inches Soft White EE-C
English Netting Lace Galloon .50 Inches Soft White NM1114-C
English Netting Lace Insertion 2 Inches Ecru on White 717757-C
English Netting Lace Galloon 1.87 Inches Soft White NM101-C