3 Sisters for Moda
Aimee Stewart for Michael Miller Fabrics
Allison Harris for Windham Fabrics
Amanda Murphy for Benartex Fabrics
American Jane
Amy Butler
Amy Gibson
Andi Metz for Benartex
Anita Jeram for Clothworks
Anna Maria Horner
Annabel Wrigley for Windham Fabrics
April Rosenthal
Bari J. for Art Gallery Fabrics
Basic Grey
Bernadett Urbanovics for FIGO Fabrics
Betsy Chutchian
Blackbird Designs
Bonnie and Camille
Brenda Riddle of Acorn Quilts for Moda
Bunny Hill Designs
Camille Roskelley for Moda
Carolyn Gavin for Free Spirit Fabrics
Cathe Holden for Moda
Cecilia Mok for Clothworks
Cherry Guidry of Cherry Blossoms for Contempo
Chez Moi for Moda
Christopher Wilson-Tate
Clare Therese Gray for Windham Fabrics
Corey Yoder for Moda
Cori Dantini for Free Spirit Fabrics
Create Joy Project and Laura Muir
Creativity Shell for Moda
Dan DiPaolo for Clothworks Textiles
Darlene Zimmerman
Dawn Heese
Deb Strain for Moda
Deborah Fischer of Fish Museum and Circus for Windham Fabrics
Dena Designs from FreeSpirit Fabrics
Denyse Schmidt for Windham Fabrics
Diane Neukirch for Clothworks
Edyta Sitar- Laundry Basket
Eleanor Burns
Fig Tree & Co.
French General
From My Heart to Your Hands
Stephanie Brandenburg of Frond Design Studios
Geetanjali Behera for P&B Textiles
Ghazal Razavi for FIGO Fabrics
Gingiber by Stacie Bloomfield for Moda
Heather Bailey for Figo Fabrics
Heather Dutton of Hang Tight Studio for P & B Textiles
Heather Ross for Windham Fabrics
Howard Marcus for Moda
Ink & Arrow
J. Wecker Frisch for Riley Blake
Jackie McDonald of Sweetfire Road for Moda
Jacqueline de Jonge Be Colourful
Jacqueline Wild for P&B Textiles
Jane Sassaman from FreeSpirit Fabrics
Janet Clare for Moda
Jen Kingwell for Moda
Jenelle Kent of Pieces to Treasure for Moda
Jennifer Moore for Windham Fabrics
Jennifer Paganelli
Jessica Swift for Art Gallery Fabrics
Jill McDonald for Windham Fabrics
Jim Ishikawa for Clothworks
Jo Morton
Judie Rothermel
Kaffe Fassett for Free Spirit Fabrics
Katarina Roccella for Art Gallery Fabrics
Kate Spain for Moda
Kathy Doughty
Kathy Hall
Katy Tanis for Free Spirit Fabrics
Kelly Angelovic for Windham Fabrics
Kelly Rae Roberts for Benartex Fabrics
Kelly Ventura for Windham Fabrics
Kim Diehl
Kori Turner Goodhart for Windham Fabrics
Laura Berringer
Lella Boutique for Moda
Lewis & Irene
Lexi Grenzer for Clothworks
Lindsay Wilkes The Cottage Mama for Riley Blake Designs
Linzee Kull McCray for Moda
Lizzy House for Moda Fabrics
Lori Holt for Riley Blake Designs
Marcia Derse for Anthology Fabrics
Maude Asbury for Free Spirit
Maureen Cracknell for Art Gallery
Maureen McCormick for Moda
Melissa Polomsky for Clothworks
Mia Charro
Michael Zindell for Clothworks
Minick and Simpson for Moda
Modern Quilt Studio with Weeks Ringle and Bill Kerr
My Mind's Eye for Riley Blake
Nancy Halvorsen for Benartex
Nancy Rink
Natalie Barnes for Windham Fabrics
Nathalie Lete for Conservatory Craft from FreeSpirit
Nicole DeLeon for Alexander Henry
Odile Bailloeul
Paper and Cloth Design Studio for Moda
Pat Bravo for Art Gallery Fabrics
Patrick Lose for Northcott Fabrics
Penny Rose
Philip Jacobs of Snow Leopard Designs for Free Spirit
Primitive Gatherings
Rachel Hauer for Free Spirit
Robin Pickens for Moda
Ruby Star Society
Sally Kelly for Windham Fabrics
Sanderson for Free Spirit
Sara Boccaccini Meadows for FIGO Fabrics
Sarah J. Maxwell
Sarah Thomas of Sariditty
Sharon Kuplack for Henry Glass & Co.
Sherri & Chelsi for Moda
Stacy Iest Hsu
Stacy Peterson for Free Spirit Fabrics
Stacy West/Buttermilk Basin
Sue Zipkin for Clothworks
Sweetwater for Moda
Tamara Kate for Windham Fabrics
Tim Holtz for Free Spirit
Tula Pink
Urban Chiks
V and Co. for Moda
Victoria Findlay Wolfe for Free Spirit
William Morris
Zen Chic for Moda
Kaffe x Morris & Co Layer Cake
Love Letter Lightest Blue 37122 34
Love Letter Amber 37123 15
Love Letter Red 37125 18
Love Letter Pink 37121 21 Moda #1
Love Letter Seafoam 37126 28
Love Letter Eggshell 37124 11
Love Letter Eggshell 37120 11
Love Letter Blue Skies 37127 32
Language of Flowers Alphabet Panel
Language of Flowers Flower Go Round Quilt Kit
Language of Flowers Wide Backing Fabric Pergola Cream
Language of Flowers Keys to Secrets Cream
Language of Flowers Braid Multi
Language of Flowers January Turquoise
Language of Flowers January Orange
Language of Flowers Say It With Flowers Noir
Language of Flowers Say It With Flowers Rose
Language of Flowers Small Victorian Noir
Language of Flowers Susan Rouge
Language of Flowers William Noir
Language of Flowers Tea Time Cream
Language of Flowers Large Victorian Rose
Language of Flowers Forest Tailors Blue
Language of Flowers Under the Pergola Blue
Language of Flowers Garden Secrets Green
Goodnight Irene Mini Charm
Goodnight Irene Charm Pack
Goodnight Irene Fat Quarter Bundle
Goodnight Irene Jelly Roll